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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Free PC Game Download Aliens Versus Predator 2

Free PC Game Download Aliens Versus Predator 2

Aliens versus Predator is a science fiction first-person shooter computer game developed by Rebellion Developments and published by Fox Interactive for PC and Apple Macintosh computers in 1999. It is based on the Alien and Predator media franchises and the crossover Alien vs. Predator franchise.[1] It was unofficially ported to Linux in 2001 and Xbox in 2009, following Rebellion's public release of the game's source code. A sequel, Aliens versus Predator 2, was developed by Monolith Productions and released by Sierra in 2001.

Game Alien vs Predator 2 (AVP2) ini mempunyai tiga setting cerita yang berbeda, mulai dari Marines (manusia), Predator, dan Alien. Ide awal game ini tentu saja berasal dari film2 nya yang sudah lebih dahulu beredar disini. Semua bentuk alien, predator, sampai pesawat dan kendaraan perang yang digunakan ada di filmnya. Tetapi kebanyakan dari filmnya Alien. Kemampuan yang dimiliki juga sama. Kembali ke ceritanya, sebenarnya kejadian pada tiga tokoh ini terhadi pada waktu yang sama. Hanya saja dilihat dari view yang berbeda, tergantung jenis species yang anda pilih. Anda akan menyadarinya jika anda sudah memainkan semua species yang ada. Kualitas gambar dari AVP2 ini bagus, dan akan lebih bagus jika didukung perangkat hardware yang bagus. Untuk tinkat kualitas medium saja di butuhkan PIII 700 memory 128 MB dan video card sekelas GeForce. Kalau tidak yang sebiknya option2 graphics nya dihilangkan, pilih kualitas gambar atau kelancaran bermain.

English :
Game Alien vs. Predator 2 (AVP2) This setting has three different stories, ranging from the Marines (humans), Predator, and Alien. The initial idea of this game, of course, comes from his film2 which had already circulated here. All forms of alien, predator, until the war planes and vehicles used in the movie. But most of the movie Alien. Capabilities are also similar. Back to the story, is actually three events in this figure terhadi at the same time. Only just seen from different view, depending on the type of species you choose. You'll notice if you've played all the existing species. The image quality of the AVP2 is good, and it would be great if it supported hardware devices are good. For medium quality tinkat just in need PIII 700 128 MB memory and GeForce class video card. Otherwise it is sebiknya option2 graphics removed, select the image quality or smoothness of play.


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